Requiem for Spring '18
- sharing thousands of laughs;
- seeing MGMT live again and reliving the best moments of 2010 concert (yes, face-painted);
- being proud and again so inspired by my friends reaching Everest's Basecamp;
- adding some really cool vinyls to my collection;
- taking coffee roasting class;
- translating the app to Russian and releasing it to thousands of users;
- becoming an auntie (hello to the world baby Maya!);
- buying new lens;
- coming back to Rockaway;
- going to Soccer Mommy concert (she's going to be a big star soon!);
- falling in love with The Office show (Yeesh!);
- visiting Portland, Maine and being blown away by friendly people;
- struggling with severe mood swings and insomnia;
- doing some really exciting things at work and feeling inspired;
- enjoying home-made coffee every day;
- doing 24h fasting;
- getting many surprises;
- watching 'Freaks&Geeks Documentary' at Tribeca Film Festival;
Short version: What did I say about 'Yeppers' ?