Requiem for Winter'24

  • hugging my dearest friends for the first time since 2019 is the absolute highlight of this winter

  • mourning my Grandma who passed away in her sleep on Jan 15, I miss her dearly

  • celebrating New Year in Warsaw surrounded by dearest friends

  • getting Brooklyn breakfast with my SF friends and meeting Sonia for the first time

  • being sick with Covid

  • having career conversations

  • buying skates and skating in Bryant Park

  • spending time with family

  • crying quite a lot

  • eating my favorite pastries from home

  • visiting Dublin

  • drinking Guinness in the real pub with friends (and a dog)

  • buying an Irish sweater

  • celebrating my birthday with C.

  • getting a beautiful painting from a friend in the mail

  • going to a housewarming party

  • hosting bake off at work

  • trying on ridiculous outfits with A. and laughing and drinking wine

  • building a miniature bookshop

  • seeing Lord of the Rings with live orchestra

  • taking a weekend trip to SF

short version: Push the Sky Away - Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds

Requiem for Fall'23

  • worrying about the well-being of my friends, colleagues, neighbors …scrolling the news non-stop, feeling crushed and disappointed

  • having wine and snacks on the roof with Rachel

  • taking trips to Rockaway and getting breakfast at our favorite place

  • hosting parents in Brooklyn, getting Dad to try ceviche

  • visiting Flushing and checking out NYC museum

  • having work/career changes

  • celebrating 15 years of Vimeo Staff Picks program

  • sharing yammy food and conversations with friends <3

  • attending A&L zoom wedding

  • taking a trip to upstate NY for a wedding, dancing and enjoying staying at a fun hotel

  • visiting friends on Philly

  • drawing signs and rooting for A. at NYC Marathon

  • taking a trip to Albany and being so warmly welcomed by dear Yon and Yoshi

  • continuing Gertie tradition

  • going to a Rangers game at MSG

music: Byz Playground - Sounds from the park

Requiem for Summer'23

- spending time with the family
- enjoying walks and food in New York with friends
- taking a trip to Atlanta with friends and staying at K house
- feeling nostalgia when eating kinder surprise
- swimming in the lake and laughing a lot with C
- watching a movie about graffiti culture in NY in late 60s and meeting new people
- having a lot of anxiety, but trying to focus on good things instead of bad things
- getting a gift in the mail all the way from Ireland
- remembering good times in Minsk Graffiti bar
- healing my sliced finger