Requiem for Winter '17/'18

- celebrating New Year in Brooklyn for the first time in my life;
- sharing crazy amount of laughs with C;
- admiring cute houses in New England;
- getting speakers for my record player and enjoying the music;
- dancing at annual Holiday party with my favorite people at work;
- traditionally dying of hangover the next day;
- missing my Minsk friends and catching up on all the gossip like the distance doesn't exist;
- ice skating in Newport, Rhode Island;
- still loving my job;
- listening to new MGMT album;
- watching Freaks and Geeks;
- having a dream come true and living in West Village for a day;
- visiting the Met for the first time;
- enjoying Beach Fossils and La Luz concerts;
- being grateful to my wonderful friends who took care of me in the moments when I couldn't do it myself;
- going over teenage music memories on the road trip from Boston to New York;
- attending Dina and Justin's wedding celebration in Philly;
- receiving a really cool Secret Santa gift and getting a fun gift for the person I was assigned to be Secret Santa to;
- exploring the quiet streets of Greenpoint;
- looking back at my 4 years in New York and being proud of things accomplished;
- going to Roosevelt Island and remembering good old days;
- kicking off birthday weekend with a shared party and continuing into chill quiet home celebration; 
- spending time with my wonderful parents;
- exploring the print;
- getting a flu;
- spontaneously meeting Collin in Boston; 
- being tortured by wisdom tooth pain;
- celebrating Maslenitsa and playing Fruit Ninja;
- getting The Lobsta;

Short version: New York finally feels ok

Requiem for Fall'17

- hearing "I'm French" a lot and not believing it;
- coming back to Montauk after dreaming about it for 2 years;
- spending a night in a van;
- catching sunrises and sunsets and never being tired of it;
- drinking wine at the beach in San Francisco;
- living in Ksu's magical room for few days;
- walking around Bushwick with Di;
- still being inspired by friends;
- failing to catch a beautiful sunset with Hanna and Andrew, but spending amazing time together;
- finding that house from "Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind";
- hiking to Appalachian Trail;
- singing along and dancing to The Drums;
- eating tacos in the middle of the night somewhere in Park Slope;
- having a total flashback to good old times with Базлайтер;
- being inspired by cool ladies at Women In Product Conference;
- meeting Olya in San Jose;
- listening to Burial a lot;
- seeing Serg in New York and catching up on things;
- giving an interview;
- learning to steam milk for coffee;
- getting my portrait drawn by Funny;
- sharing laughs with Anny;
- buying my first ever beautiful dress;
- falling into mountains and oceans memories;
- getting more of my favorite music on vinyl;
- being very happy and excited for some big family news;
- looking through Mike Mill's book and "20th Century Women" movie;
- watching "Ladybird" (Great is changing cinematography right in front of us);
- finding out that I got one of the best Tokion issues ever;
- getting to know Alina;
- recognizing sadness and treating it with respect;
- driving a car at an empty parking lot;
- exploring Williamsburg;
- getting a feeling that I am loosing a friend;
- playing HQ;
- still sucking at making decisions;
- watching a horror movie in drive-in movie theatre for the first time;
- remembering a lot of good old times because of  old friends visits;
- constantly missing people;

Short version: Good memories will float through sadness and disappointment

Requiem for Summer '17

- spontaneously booking a ticket and jumping into an absolutely mind-blowing road trip adventure
- sending tons of love to a biggest friend across the ocean, i know you will read this soon and all i want right now is to be there for you <3 we will carry the sadness with us, but we will continue to live and remember the best times
- spending early mornings at Rockaway
- catching sunrise with Mt Rainier view
- waking up on a beach of the Pacific ocean
- waking up on a beach of the Atlantic ocean
- dealing with a lot of goodbyes
- almost dying of fear of falling down, of freezing, of bears, of elevation
- taking polaroid portraits
- randomly catching Ksusha & Nathan in Seattle
- surviving 4 days without a shower
- hiking during night time
- chilling at Vimeo Camp
- visiting Charleston and being 100% charmed by the city
- learning how to wake up at 4 am
- solving the mystery of a Train guy
- learning to play beer pong and a bunch of other red cups games
- helping out Mikey with his evil plan
- watching solar eclipse with my fav coworkers and sharing those special glasses
- swimming in Crater Lake in a freezing water
- swimming in my clothes in a river to wash away all the dirt and sand from the craziest and toughest hike
- visiting alpaca farm and being so welcomed by the owner who also had a cutest service dog
- seeing shooting star
- singing Ed Sheeran's "Castle On The Hill" with the girls in a forest somewhere in Oregon
- mountains are killer whales
- attending Pride in Philly and having so much fun celebrating love and equality
- listening to Антоха MC
- reading "Barbarian Days: A Surfing Life' by William Finnegan, this book is instantly became my favorite
- taking a random day off and spending it on the beach and walking around Brooklyn and catching up with amazing people
- buying my first ever sleeping bag
- working together with Cquad and learning tons of new things from designers and engineers
- buying matching tshirts at TJMaxx
- dancing spontaneously with Anya at 1 am
- feeling way better with all the anxieties
- finding the saddest but inspiring email in may inbox when my manager left
- walking in Brooklyn with a papier mache head stolen from Pratt campus
- starting my days with playing my fav songs on a record player

Short version: friends, oceans and mountains are everything.